Hotel navas de Granada Español | Ingles 

Mapa de Localización - Hotel navas de Granada

Hotel navas de Granada Hotel navas de Granada Hotel navas de Granada Hotel navas de Granada
Hotel Navas. Located in the historical and touristic centre of Granada

The Navas Hotel in Granada welcomes you in the historical and touristic center of Granada. It is located close to the City Hall, the Cathedral and in the most typical and famous tapas street of Granada.

Families and travelers staying at this 3 stars will enjoy a fantastic holiday in Granada, visiting the Cathedral, the Royal Chapel and the famous Alhambra, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

This charming hotel offers a family and friendly atmosphere, perfect for you to be as comfortable and satisfied as you deserve.

Navas Hotel amenities include complimentary wireless Internet access, meeting rooms and tickets service.

Contact | Privacy Policy | Legal Notice | Hoteles Porcel Hotel Navas *** (Hotel Ciudad 3 estrellas)
C/ Navas, Nº 24
C.P. 18009 Granada (España)
Tfn. 958 225 959
Fax. 958 227 523
R.E.A.T. 1/1800021